Fun blog about life, gardening, cooking, decorating, quilting, knitting, croceting....

Sunday, April 24, 2011

Never Enough Thyme

In today’s busy world….I find it’s the DEstressing pastimes that people are cutting out of their lives.  Like taking the time to stop  and smell the roses


If you ask older people what they should have spent more time doing, it’s always agreed that friends and family are what matter, and where you should be spending your time and energy. We need to indulge ourselves in reading a book, taking the time to teach a friend to knit. writing a quick note of thanks to someone. 


While my daughter’s been home with her broken ankle we have spent time knitting and crocheting. We started to crochet a new pattern of scarf… you may have seen something like them and wondered how they were made. It’s so relaxing…and when you’re finished you have that sense of accomplishment and the added bonus when someone complements you on it.

This is the pattern we used and it was so fun and easy to make.

scarves2011 001

scarves2011 002 

scarves2011 006

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